
WP1 - Project management and coordination

D1.1 – Monitoring Protocol
D1.2 – Contingency Plan
D1.3 – Green procurement guidelines
D1.4 – Extract of the project data from the LIFE KPI webtool I
D1.5 – Extract of the project data from the LIFE KPI webtool II
D1.6 – Report of networking activities with other LIFE projects and of networking activities with the Spanish authorities

WP2 - Design, Development and Pre-implementation of the training programme

D2.2 – Contents of theoretical component of the training programme
D2.3 – Technical report with the specifications of the DEMO installation including the manual for its use
D2.4 – Report with the outcomes of the questionnaires performed to the participants in the pre-test of training programme

WP3 - Communication and Public Awareness

D3.4 – 9 newsletters and articles in local and national press
D3.5 – 3 articles in peer-reviewed journals
D3.6 – Proceedings of the kick-off meeting

WP4 - Sustainability, Replication and Exploitation of the Project Results

D4.1 – General guidelines and learning outcomes
D4.2 – Exploitation plan including replication component
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