Work Packages

WP1 - Project management and coordination

Dedicated to project management and coordination activities, as well as monitoring to evaluate the project’s progress and ensure its effective implementation.

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Task 1.1 - Project Management

Overall internal coordination and management that guarantees the effective implementation of the project and the involvement of the principal stakeholders

Task 1.2 – Project Monitoring

Constant monitoring of the project’s progress with clear indicators to measure the progress of the defined objectives ensure compliance with the LIFE programme.

WP2 - Design, Development and Pre-implementation of the training programme

Design and development of the training programmes to promote the knowledge, know-how and competence of professionals in the field of radon.

Pre-implementation of the programmes to test its acceptance and effectiveness in meeting the identified training needs.

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Task 2.1 - Definition of structure and contents of the training programme

Identification of the learning needs taking into account the knowledge and training gaps identified. Inclusion of stakeholders and interested parties in the discussion to ensure that structure and contents of the training programmes will meet the needs of professionals working in this area.

Task 2.2 - Development of contents

Development all contents of the training programmes. Contents will include the presentation and video formats to ensure the theoretical part, and additional support material, such as manuals, to distribute amongst the participants to allow further information for consultation. All materials will be available in Portuguese, Spanish and English.


Task 2.3 - Pre-implementation of the training programmes

The first edition of the training programmes will take place during the project execution to ensure that training programmes fulfill the needs and expectations of participants. This will allow adjustments in contents and teaching methods before future editions and it’s fully implementation.


WP3 - Communication and Public Awareness

Develop a communication strategy for dissemination of project activities and outcomes, networking with stakeholders and involving them in the training. The engagement with stakeholders will be key in the definition of content to be included in the training programmes and for its promotion to the target audiences. The communication strategy will also focus on awareness-raising campaigns, promoting citizen’s knowledge on the health risks of radon exposure, the importance of carrying out radon measurements in their homes and workplaces, and the technical means available for reducing radon concentrations.

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Task 3.1 – Dissemination

To ensure the dissemination of the project activities and results to different audiences, different communication channels will be developed and the information will be presented in a suitable language.

Dissemination Materials


Articles in Media

Task 3.2 – Networking

Networking will include a variety of dissemination activities in order to mobilize the public and stakeholders. These activities will include awareness campaigns to citizens and seminars to construction companies and platforms. Awareness campaigns will be held across both countries, Portugal and Spain.


WP4 - Sustainability, Replication and Exploitation of the Project Results

Recognition and accreditation of the learning contents and implementation of the training programmes in Portugal and Spain.

Making the training programme materials available in English and disseminating them widely through various European platforms to promote replication in other Member States. Also, preparing and making available content suitable for the general public on different communication channels.

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Task 4.1 - Implementation of the training programme

Ensure fully implementation of the training programmes in UCOIMBRA and UNICAN and recognition and accreditation of the learning outcomes to allow professional qualification and certification.


Task 4.2 - Replication and capitalization of project results

Ensure the training programmes materials available also in English and disseminate them widely through various European platforms to promote replication in other Member States.


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